Wiesn-Anstich 2024

This is a Normal poll.

Poll of version 37

Name No Sort 1) Kuchenspende No Sort 2) Putensteak mit Kraut- und Kartoffelsalat (12,50 €) No Sort 3) Zweierlei Rollbraten mit Kraut- und Kartoffelsalat (12,50 €) No Sort 4) Steckerlfisch mit Breze (10 €) No Sort 5) Breze extra (1 €) No Sort Last edit Sort
Trost (18)Trost (18) selected Yes Unknown Unknown Trost (18) selected Yes Trost (18) selected No Thu Aug 15 11:23:55 2024
Weinfurter (21)Weinfurter (21) selected No Weinfurter (21) selected No Weinfurter (21) selected No Weinfurter (21) selected Yes Weinfurter (21) selected No Sat Aug 24 14:17:41 2024
Ludwig G 80Ludwig G 80 selected No Ludwig G 80 selected No Ludwig G 80 selected No Ludwig G 80 selected Yes Ludwig G 80 selected Yes Sat Aug 31 18:54:01 2024
Total 1 out of 3 participants voted yes. 0 out of 3 participants voted yes. 0 out of 3 participants voted yes. 3 out of 3 participants voted yes. 1 out of 3 participants voted yes.

Comments Sort newest comment first

Anonymous said on 01.07., 15:19

Bei "Name" die Garten-Nummer eintragen. Bei zwei identischen Gerichten bitte zwei Zeilen ausfüllen.


4201.09, 17:58Participant Van Berkel 81/2 added
4101.09, 17:57Participant Van Berkel 81 added
4001.09, 17:57Participant Van Berkel 81 added
3901.09, 17:56Participant Van Berkel 81 added
3831.08, 19:00Participant Kleespies 42 added
3731.08, 18:54Participant Ludwig G 80 edited
3631.08, 18:53Participant Ludwig G 80 added
3524.08, 14:17Participant Weinfurter (21) added
3416.08, 16:23Column 3) Zweierlei Rollbraten mit Kraut- und Kartoffelsalat (12,50 €) edited
3316.08, 16:22Column 2) Putensteak mit Kraut- und Kartoffelsalat (12,50 €) edited
3215.08, 11:23Participant Trost (18) added