OJ/MJS - Samedi 14 Septembre 2024 - DiscGolf

This is a Normal poll.

Poll of version 12

Name No Sort 1 - Enfant OJ No Sort 2 - Jeune MJS No Sort 3 - Parent Taxi et accompagnant Merci de confirmer le nombre de place No Sort 4 - Parent Taxi seulement Merci de confirmer le nombre de place No Sort 5 - Parent Accompagnat seulement No Sort Last edit Sort
Total 0 out of 0 participants voted yes. 0 out of 0 participants voted yes. 0 out of 0 participants voted yes. 0 out of 0 participants voted yes. 0 out of 0 participants voted yes.

Comments Sort newest comment first

Jerome Ginguene said on 25.08., 15:27

Merci de confirmer le nombre de place dans vos voiture.


1728.08, 08:20Participant Jonas Aquillon added
1627.08, 06:35Participant Ilona Ginguené added
1527.08, 06:35Participant Kilian Ginguené added
1426.08, 14:06Participant Lena et Anaïs Pasquier added
1326.08, 09:59Participant Da Silva Lenny added
1225.08, 15:27Comment added by Jerome Ginguene
1125.08, 15:26Column 4 - Parent Taxi seulement edited
1025.08, 15:26Column 3 - Parent Taxi et accompagnant edited
925.08, 15:26Column 5 - Parent Accompagnat seulement edited
825.08, 15:25Column 4 - Parent Taxi seulement edited
725.08, 15:25Column 4 - Parent Accompagnat seulement edited